Introductory Questions

  1. My name is Andrea Zhou. I am a junior, majoring in Communication Design and Finance.

  2. With a second major in business, I know how important communication and user experience are. I am very interested in grphic design and as the world is going digital, I am expecting to do website or app designs in the future.

  3. No, I do not have any experience with HTML/CSS/JS.

  4. I hope to learn designing a simple game.

  5. One way that designing for screen is different from designing for paper is that designers need to accomodate for different devices and screen sizes.

  6. MOMA

    The MOMA website exemplifies effective design as the overall design exhibits a consistent style with the branding of the museum, with the colors reflecting different exhibits on show. There is a good balance between static and dynamic elements and the navigation bar always sticks on the top for user convenience.

  7. Sephora

    The Sephora website exemplifies effective communication as there is a very clear navigation bar that helps direct consumers to the specific product catergories desired. Action items, like the shopping cart and the sign in function is separated out from the products. In the product listing pages, more information is shown when customers hover over the image. Promotions and new collections are highlighed in the banners.

  8. LinkedIn

    The linkedin website works well because the space is divided up very efficiently in to three panels. Each panel has a clear function and hierarchies defined by using scale, size, value and color. It is easy to find information, make posts, and go to external links.